Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ah, când credeam că viaţa nu poate fi mai grozavă

Newsflash: Men Like Women with Curves; Women Still Think Their Butts Look Too Big

I recently came across this interesting study (warning: nude ladies covering their lady parts with their hands) which showed that while women believe a thin figure is the female ideal, men actually prefer a more curvy lady. What was even more interesting is that this story made the front page of Digg, and while Digg users are known for their terribly disparaging and caustic comments, the vast majority agreed with the results. So what does such a story show us? First, men like women with curves. Second, women don’t believe this. Third, contrary to popular belief, men are not to blame for this disconnect. The blame lies instead with the media and the catty expectations of a woman’s female peers.

While men may not be at fault for women’s skewed body image problem, we can be part of the solution; we can support the women in our lives and help them feel better about themselves. I have been rather dismayed at the number of my female friends and family who on the surface appear confident and attractive, but inwardly are pained with acute insecurities. Even beautiful women often feel ugly, fat, and unattractive. True, some men also battle insecurities, but by and large we often feel fairly comfortable about ourselves. Just take a look at the beach at the shirtless men, their huge guts hanging over their Speedo, strolling along without a care in the world.

(de aici)

nu ştiu de ce, dar eu sunt ironică, i'm a size 8


Mihai said...

pai barbatii n-au probleme cu restul corpului lor... majoritatea nesigurantelor se concentreaza pe un singur organ, Junior. mostly. sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Know why most men don't have problems and frustrations with the way they look? Due to this simple test (please visualize): Man takes shirt off in front of mirror. Man taps and rubs his belly while puffing his chest up and says: "Aham...definitely would f**k that!"

le petit mouton said...

no, si tu de ce te duci sa tragi de fiare?

te desfiniseeeez, costin!

Teapot said...

Men are a twisting machine also. Dintr-un articol in care se dezbate perceptia asupra corpului feminin s-au legat de singura fraza in care se face o comparatie cu cel masculin tocmai pentru a evidentia ideea de baza. You sure know how to make a girl feel special.

Anonymous said...

Io cred ca acest articol era doar un pretext ca sa strecori subtil la sfarsit masura ta de rochie si sa-i faci pe toti masculii vizitatori ai acestui blog sa baloseasca tastaturile, inchipuindu-si-o pe muton cu si fara haine pe ea.

le petit mouton said...

stam prea mult impreuna

Anonymous said...

ei, atunci... pupati-va! :)