Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Citizen of the World, Yitzhak Laor

We didn't grow up where our fathers grew.
They didn't grow up where
their fathers grew. We learned not to
feel nostalgic (we can feel nostalgic
for any tombstone
decided upon) we don't belong
anywhere (we shall belong with ease
to anything
when demanded) we move across
countries, we sleeep in fancy
hotels, we sleep in cold
barns, we love only to be
loved, we rape only
to be remembered, we enjoy
only to register ownership, destroying
mainly villages, declaring ownership
then leaving, hating peasants, mainly
peasants (if necessary, we'll also
the land)

[mi-am adus aminte de poezia asta cand mă uitam aseară la euronews, e dintr-un articol pe care l-am citit într-o zi în cadă, cea mai intelectuală jumătate de oră petrecută în baie de ceva timp]


Donna said...

This is so beautiful.

gigix said...

oh! "we love only to beloved"...
si mai sofisticata "we rape only to be remembered". ml ... u rule, rili.

George Colang said...

fain blog

le petit mouton said...

mersi, somnul de frumusete este secretul